Your Community is Here
Health & Vitality Chiropractic is a healing space that was cultivated from the collective prayer of our mothers & children seeking their autonomy to LIVE and BIRTH freely.
As women endeavor to courageously follow their own body's intuition, they remember their trust in the ancient wisdom within their wombs.
Women, your community is Here.
Our neurology & psychology was not designed to live in isolation. Find YOUR tribe.
Together, we team up to empower YOU with the ability to expand your family’s health, & happiness.
Your Healing Space
Dr. Hannah Victoria founded Health & Vitality Chiropractic with the intention for her community to experience life & birth differently.
Specializing in Pediatric, and Prenatal care, our team will hold space for you to unlock any STRESS that was experienced (in utero, in birth and or in life) that has not been integrated = dis-harmony, dis-connection, dis-ease in your life.
This uniquely liberating expression of healing & BE-ing combines modern technology, neurologically-focused chiropractic adjustments , with somatic "biohacking" techniques that bring balance to the WHOLE being with this mind-body approach.
When in a space of healing that honors both modern knowledge and ancient truths, you will be sure to experience a "fresh breath of air" and walk out feeling lighter, more whole and peaceful.
The Future is Safe. We are glad that you are Here.